Popular Music

Mikael Niemi

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HarperCollins Publishers img Link Publisher

Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Musik


'A wonderfully warm tale of weddings, funerals, marathon sauna contests - and the incomparable thrill of your first kiss, from "e;the Nick Hornby of the Arctic"e;.' Marina Warner, Sunday TimesIts the 1960s, and pop records are gradually finding their way into the eager hands of teenagers in the far north of Sweden. Young Matti dreams of being a rock star - but in the tiny ice-bound village of Pajala, a boy should really spend his time cultivating more manly pursuits, such as hunting elk, drinking moonshine and fighting on dancefloors...'Popular Music' is one of the freshest, funniest debuts of recent years, and winner of the August prize, Sweden's equivalent of the Man Booker. So wrap up warm and join Matti and the unforgettable community of Pajala in a wonderful tale of weddings, funerals and marathon sauna contests, the incomparable thrill of your first kiss - and of finally hearing the Beatles.
