Unwanted Royal Wife

Clare Connelly

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HarperCollins Publishers img Link Publisher

Belletristik / Gegenwartsliteratur (ab 1945)


His princess in public... His enemy in private!Perfect for fans of:?? Royal?? Marriage of convenience?? Enemies to lovers-Palace advisor Rosie's fairytale wedding to playboy Prince Sebastian is no love-match. But she can't defy a decree from the King, the only family she's ever known. Behind closed doors, the couple live completely separate lives...Marrying Rosie was Sebastian's way back from royal exile. Otherwise, the infuriatingly poised Rosie is the last woman he'd want as his wife. Except when securing the line of succession becomes paramount, they're forced into a tentative truce. And Sebastian is astonished to find himself delighting in a slow, sweet seduction of his oh-so-proper princess...

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