RHS House Plant

Practical Advice for All House Plants, Cacti and Succulents


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Dorling Kindersley Ltd img Link Publisher

Sachbuch / Lexika, Enzyklopädien


Turn your living space into an indoor oasis with the RHS's definitive guide to more than 330 house plant varieties.Take your house plant collection to the next level with RHS House Plant. Discover the best varieties to suit your home from more than 330 profiles on every kind of house plant you can imagine, from succulents and cacti to orchids, bromeliads, and even carnivorous plants.Complete with essential care advice to keep your plants alive and thriving, propagation tips to help you grow your collection, and 24 step-by-step projects designed to make the most of your greenery, RHS House Plant has everything you need to create, cultivate, and care for your indoor garden.

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