Turquoise Hydrogen

An Effective Pathway to Decarbonization and Value Added Carbon Materials

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Elsevier Science img Link Publisher

Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Chemische Technik


Turquoise Hydrogen: An Effective Pathway to Decarbonization and Value Added Carbon Materials, Volume 61 in the Advances in Chemical Engineering series, reports on the latest advances in turquoise hydrogen production technologies, including thermo-catalytic, plasma and molten media conversion of natural gas and hydrocarbons streams. Chapters in this new release include Perspective, economic potential and overview of current technologies and challenges, Catalytic and non-catalytic chemical kinetics of hydrocarbons cracking for hydrogen and carbon materials production, Fluid dynamics aspects and reactor scale simulations of chemical reactors, Developments in lab-scale reactors for thermo catalytic production of hydrogen and carbon material, and more. Additional sections cover Product spectra, properties, performances and market applications of carbon materials from hydrocarbons cracking, Molten media pyrolysis technologies for hydrocarbons cracking, Opportunities for turquoise hydrogen production and utilization in the metals and steel industry, and Industrial scale reactors for materials production from hydrocarbons cracking. - Includes recent advances in experimental and modeling approaches to turquoise hydrogen and carbon material production in thermal, plasma and molten media pyrolysis- Updates on progress in reactor scale modeling, design and testing- Provides a comprehensive assessment of techno-economic and sustainability aspects

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