West Indians of Costa Rica

Race, Class, and the Integration of an Ethnic Minority

Ronald N. Harpelle

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Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Sozialwissenschaften allgemein


Harpelle focuses on Caribbean migrants and their adaptation to life in a Hispanic society, particularly in Limon, where cultures and economies often clashed. Dealing with such issues as Garveyism, Afro-Christian religious beliefs, and class divisions within the West Indian community, The West Indians of Costa Rica sheds light on a community that has been ignored by most historians and on events that define the parameters of the modern Afro-Costa Rican identity, revealing the complexity of a community in transition. Harpelle shows that the men and women who ventured to Costa Rica in search of opportunities in the banana industry arrived as West Indian sojourners but became Afro-Costa Ricans. The West Indians of Costa Rica is a story about choices: who made them, when, how, and what the consequences were.

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