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White Terror

The Ku Klux Klan Conspiracy and Southern Reconstruction

Allen W. Trelease

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LSU Press img Link Publisher

Sachbuch / 20. Jahrhundert (bis 1945)


Allen W. Trelease’s White Terror, originally published in 1971, was the first scholarly history of the Ku Klux Klan in the South during Reconstruction. With its research rooted in primary sources, it remains among the most comprehensive treatments of the subject. In addition to the Klan, Trelease discusses other night-riding groups, including the Ghouls, the White Brotherhood, and the Knights of the White Camellia. He treats the entire South state by state, details the close link between the Klan and the Democratic party, and recounts Republican efforts to resist the Klan.

Winner of the Charles S. Sydnor Award from the Southern Historical Association

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KKK, Black, freedpeople, USCT, South, Grant administration, history, Freedmen's Bureau, freedmen, lynching, terror, disfranchisement, politics, vote, terrorism, historians, Reconstruction, white supremacy, southern