Matthew Robbins (Hrsg.), Brian M. Grosberg (Hrsg.), Richard Lipton (Hrsg.)
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Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Medizin
Unmask the clinical complexity behind one of the most common neurological symptoms Headache is a common clinical complaint often overlooked by both sufferers and physicians that can be intimidating to approach and manage. Hundreds of different etiologies, both benign and life-threatening, may primarily feature the symptom, and diagnosis can therefore be challenging. Headache is a practical guide to headache medicine designed for both neurologists and general practitioners. Its expert author team introduces the principles of classification and diagnosis, and focuses in detail on the main classes of headache - migraine, tension-type and trigeminal autonomic cephalgias, including cluster headache. They also cover unusual headache disorders such as hemicrania continua and new daily persistent headache, and address the management of headache in women, children and the elderly. With a clinically focused practical approach, Headache draws on the experience of international specialists to help you diagnose and manage your patients more effectively.
Neurologie, Neurology, Medizin, Medical Science