Eddy Currents
M. V. K. Chari, Lale T. Ergene, Sheppard J. Salon, et al.
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Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Wärme-, Energie- und Kraftwerktechnik
EDDY CURRENTS Understand the theory of eddy currents with this essential reference Eddy currents are electrical current loops produced when a conductor passes through a magnetic field, or is otherwise subject to a change in magnetic field direction. These currents play a significant role in many industrial processes and areas of electrical engineering. Their properties and applications are therefore a subject of significant interest for electrical engineers and other professionals. Eddy Currents: Theory, Modeling and Applications offers a comprehensive reference on eddy currents in theory and practice. It begins with an introduction to the underlying theory of eddy currents, before proceeding to both closed-form and numerical solutions, and finally describing current and future applications. The result is an essential tool for anyone whose work requires an understanding of these ubiquitous currents. Eddy Currents readers will also find: * Professional insights from an author team with decades of combined experience in research and industry * Detailed treatment of methods including finite difference, finite element, and integral equation techniques * Over 100 computer-generated figures to illustrate key points Eddy Currents is a must-have reference for researchers and industry professionals in electrical engineering and related fields.
Energy, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electromagnetic Theory, Leistungselektronik, Electric Power Electronics, Elektrotechnik u. Elektronik, Elektromagnetismus, Numerical Methods & Algorithms, Energie, Numerische Methoden u. Algorithmen