Dictionary of Media and Communications

Marcel Danesi

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Taylor and Francis img Link Publisher

Sachbuch / Lexika, Enzyklopädien


Accessible to wide range of readers from student to lay people, this authoritative reference provides a complete listing of media concepts, figures, and techniques with illustrations and historical commentaries. Written by distinguished scholar and author Marcel Danesi, and with an Introduction by Arthur Asa Berger, a leading figure in the world of media and communications, the dictionary also includes terms related to psychology, linguistics, aesthetics, computer science, semiotics, culture theory, anthropology, and more that have relevance in media studies. Each entry includes a definition in simple, clear language; an illustration where applicable; and, historical commentary (who coined a term for example, why, who uses it, etc.). A bibliography, a directory of online resources, and a time-line of media genres add to the dictionary's usefulness and appeal.

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