Violence against Women and Girls
Rohini Prabha Pande, Jennifer L. Solotaroff
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Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Sozialwissenschaften allgemein
Violence against Women and Girls: Lessons from South Asia examines the prevalence and factorsassociated with various types of violence against women and girls in Afghanistan, Bangladesh,Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. It analyzes the nature of violence throughoutthe life cycle and highlights gaps where intensive research or interventions might be undertaken. Analysesof the most recent data reveal that South Asia has the world's highest levels of excess female childmortality and child marriage. The prevalence of intimate partner violence also remains unacceptably high,particularly for married adolescents. Reliable data are limited for other forms of violence.The number and intensity of efforts to address violence in the region are truly impressive and yieldpromising practices for future action. Important challenges remain, however-particularly the need formore rigorous evaluation and the urgency for actors to engage across forms of violence and to moresystematically involve men and boys in addressing this violence. Different stakeholders have distinct rolesto play if the region is to make progress in violence prevention and response, including increased fundingof programs and evaluations. On the whole, strengthening the effectiveness, reach, and sustainabilityof interventions will involve multifaceted coordination across all actors on the ground. This book offersevidence-based recommendations for these actors and for coordination among them.