Goddess of Mars

Clayton Drew Book 4

John Russell Fearn

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Belletristik / Science Fiction


Drew and Princess Thalia conclusively defeat the evil warlord Lexas, foiling his plan to transfer his brain into her body. In the grand tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Goddess of Mars is the final volume of the Clayton Drew Quartet.

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John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
John Russell Fearn
