Kansas City Countdown

Julie Miller

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HarperCollins Publishers img Link Publisher

Belletristik / Gegenwartsliteratur (ab 1945)


A 72 HOUR COUNTDOWN TO SAVE HER LIFEThey may have battled in the courtroom, but KCPD detective Keir Watson wasn't going to let their turbulent past stop him from protecting attorney Kenna Parker. She'd been attacked, escaping with her life but with no memory of who wanted to end it. And the only person she dared trust was Keir.With the clock ticking, every second grows more precious, each action more important...their feelings more intense. If Keir is going to discover Kenna's would-be killer, he has to keep his mind on the case. But his attraction to Kenna is making this self-declared bachelor reconsider just what his idea of forever could mean.

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