Out of Death Came Life
Nada M. Karam
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Partridge Publishing Singapore
Sachbuch / Biographien, Autobiographien
Out of Death Came Life - in personal and often poetic ways - tells the story of six decades of a womans life. In describing these events, Nada M Karam offers a story that depicts how she has lived with hope in the face of adversity. Her narrative encourages readers to strive on behalf of their own loved ones, no matter the cost. Answering the call of the Spirit, and searching out the written Word, this story shows that God still speaks to the heart and that its important in our world today. These inspiring words open the heart and mind and engages the reader, revealing a wonderful exciting relationship and true intimacy with God. The author displays courage and strength that reveals the unfailing love and faithfulness of God the father.Out of Death Came Life, presents both the events of the authors life as they occur and the perspective she has grown to achieve through her perseverance in learning to lean on a higher authority as she learned to hear Gods voice along her journey. If you find yourself reflecting upon your own life and wondering whether it has meaning and purpose, you may find inOut of Death Came Lifethe encouragement of someone who has taken God at His word, and has come to the point of saying, Yes, God does matter! By the time you come to the end ofOut of Death Came Life, you will have come to appreciate how God worked out His purposes through a life surrended. Perhaps you will discover Gods guiding hand and allow Him to do the same in your life, what have you got to lose? Take the journey through the narrow gate...