Special Needs Offenders in Correctional Institutions

Lior Gideon (Hrsg.)

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SAGE Publications img Link Publisher

Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Sozialwissenschaften allgemein


Effective treatment and preparation for successful reintegration can be better achieved if the needs and risks of incarcerated offenders are taken into consideration by correctional practitioners and scholars. Special Needs Offenders in Correctional Institutions offers a unique opportunity to examine the different populations behind bars (e.g. chronically and mentally ill, homosexual, illegal immigrants, veterans, radicalized inmates, etc.), as well as their needs and the corresponding impediments for rehabilitation and reintegration. Author Lior Gideon takes a rehabilitative and reiterative approach to discuss and differentiate between the needs of these various categories of inmates, and provides in depth discussions-not available in other correctional texts-about the specific needs, risks and policy recommendations when working with present-day special needs offenders. Each chapter is followed by suggested readings and relevant websites that will enable readers to further enhance understanding of the issues and potential solutions discussed in the chapter. Further, each chapter has discussion questions specifically designed to promote class discussions. The text concludes with a theoretical framework for future policy implications and practices.

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