Let Peace Reign

Love, Justice, and Dignity in God's Kingdom--A 6-Week Interactive Bible Study

Drew Edward Jackson

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IVP Bible Studies img Link Publisher

Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Religion/Theologie


What if the way things are isn't the way they have to be? Let Peace Reign invites you on a transformational six-week Bible study that challenges the status quo. Imagine a world where justice and peace prevail—where the vast gap between rich and poor is bridged, where prisons are not overcrowded, and where our environment thrives rather than suffers. Let Peace Reign explores: - How Jesus' teachings offer a profound path to peacemaking and justice that can reshape your life and community. - A biblical foundation for living justly and how peace affects every facet of your existence as a follower of Jesus. - Ways to infuse the peacemaking and justice of Jesus into your neighborhood, workplace, activism, family, and friendships. - Hope for a world torn apart by injustice, trauma, and pain.The foundation of Let Peace Reign is the belief that peace and justice are not just lofty ideals but achievable realities. And at the core of this belief is the person of Jesus Christ.



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