What Is the Welfare State For?

Paul Spicker

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Bristol University Press img Link Publisher

Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Politikwissenschaft


Most states in the world make some provision for the welfare of their citizens. Every state engages with health care provision, almost all provide education services, and, after an

explosion of interest in recent years, a substantial majority now have national schemes in place for cash assistance.

Welfare states matter for people’s lives – but there is little agreement about what one is. What are these states trying to do, and why? The book discusses the institutions and methods that characterise welfare states around the world. It focuses on the aims, purposes and justifications for social welfare services in order to explain what the welfare state is for.



Welfare state, Economic policy, Health care, Politics, government, Institutional reform, Social welfare, austerity, Social services, Social security