Everyday Hero Machine Boy

Tri Vuong, Irma Kniivila

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Image Comics, Inc. img Link Publisher

Belletristik/Erzählende Literatur


It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...Machine Boy! When Machine Boy falls from the sky into the domed city of Mega 416, he leaves a wake of destruction behind him until Karate Grandpa is able to turn on his heart. Now, Machine Boy wants nothing more than to become a hero! Whether he s fighting giant bugs in the school s basement, rescuing cats from trees, or making the perfect spaghetti sauce, Machine Boy is always looking for the best way to help others. But when his heart begins to interact dangerously with other debris from space, Machine Boy wonders if he can be a power for good after all. Rising stars TRI VUONG (LEGO NINJAGO) and IRMA KNIIVILA (Year of the Dog) present a funny and engaging adventure that asks can you override your own programming?
