What Happened From the Cross to the Throne
E.W. Kenyon
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This thrilling book is an unveiling of the Pauline Revelation, and shows what God did in Christ from the incarnation until He sat down at the right hand of the majesty on High. Long-hidden truths are revealed which will thrill and astound you. The church has never fully understood the spiritual significance of what happened when Christ died on the cross, was buried and rose again on the third day. All that the average Christian has seen is the physical suffering of Christ. Few realize the deep truths that are given to us in the Pauline Revelation. Until God revealed these truths to Paul, no one understood why Christ came...why the death on the cross was necessary...no one knew what happened during those three days that His physical body lay in the tomb before the resurrection. Even the disciples, who had walked with Jesus, did not fully realize who He was, why He came, what He was to suffer and what they were to gain by His suffering. They did not know what happened on the cross, or during the three days and nights before His resurrection, but we must know of these three days, for this is the thing that will build faith into us. These vital truths must be known by every child of God if he or she is to live an overcoming life.