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Heather Grothaus

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Lyrical Press img Link Publisher

Belletristik/Erzählende Literatur


In the medieval Holy Land, four brave Crusaders fight tyranny and betrayal. They are the Brotherhood of Fallen Angels—and one by one, they may discover that love is the greatest adventure of all…
From palaces and cathedrals to fortresses, Adrian Hailsworth’s engineering genius is evident across the land—including the castle of Chastellet. But a bloody siege has left the stronghold, and Adrian, in ruins. Now a wanted man, he is forced into hiding at The Brotherhood of Fallen Angels Abbey, his brilliant mind plagued with nightmares, his spirit broken—until Father Victor presents him with a fiery redhead in need of help only Adrian can give…
Maisie Lindsay is the lady-in-waiting to the Queen of Wyldonna, a small kingdom off the Scottish coast that is being blackmailed—by none other than the Brotherhood’s most treacherous enemy. The only chance of saving Wyldonna lies in unearthing its vast fortune, hidden within a labyrinth of deadly traps and secret passages. The challenge enlivens Adrian—as does the passion Maisie ignites. But she is far more than she appears, and the truth may force Adrian to sacrifice his heart’s longing to save her, before it’s too late for them all…

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Heather Grothaus
Heather Grothaus
Heather Grothaus
Heather Grothaus
Heather Grothaus
Heather Grothaus
Heather Grothaus
Heather Grothaus
Heather Grothaus



crusades, ladies-in-waiting, third, action & adventure, ancient world, 1189-1192, medieval, romance, 476-1492, engineers, europe, historical, fiction, history