Owner's Manual for Driving Your Adolescent Brain
Deak Terrence Deak, Deak JoAnn Deak
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Sachbuch / Angewandte Psychologie
A six-time award winner, The Owner's Manual for Driving Your Adolescent Brain is the exciting follow-up to Your Fantastic Elastic Brain! This adolescent brain development story is the perfect growth mindset book for teens.Let's pop open the hood and learn a little about what makes this (human) engine run in this informative puberty book for boys and girls ages 9-14!As a teenager, you think you know everything about your brain... Think again!Every creature experiences adolescence. It's during this time when your brain is in its second decade, that you have the opportunity to blaze your own trail by shaping your brain, building its strengths, and avoiding dangers with the decisions you make. Your brain is an amazing vehicle that will take you through every one of your life's experiences. Wouldn't it be good to have an owner's manual?Packed with the goods on glia and the news about neurons, The Owner's Manual for Driving Your Adolescent Brain is a fantastic read for testing your brain power and understanding it's OK to make mistakes, they'll make you stronger, if you use them as an opportunity to learn. It's all about training your brain to help you become the very best version of yourself!The Owner's Manual for Driving Your Adolescent Brain has received several awards including The Academics' Choice "e;Smart Book"e; Award; The PubWest Book Design Gold Award; The Mom's Choice Gold Award; The Moonbeam Silver Award; The Nautilus Silver Award; and The IBPA Benjamin Franklin Silver Award.Fuel up your vehicle and let's start the drive to understanding your adolescent brain!