101 Awesome Builds

Minecraft(R) - Secrets from the World's Greatest Crafters

Triumph Books

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Minecraft(R) is so much more than a video game, taking your own creativity and turning it into impressive art and unbelievable builds- not to mention adding in minigames and powerful Redstone creations! In 101 Awesome Builds you will be introduced to the most incredible structures from the world's greatest creators. There's something for every building style including Science Fiction, Fantasy and Ancient, Modern, Pop Culture, Redstone, and more! Prepare to be awed and inspired, whether you're a brand new 'Crafter or a master builder in your own right. Remember- what you can do in Minecraft(R) and other building games is only limited by your imagination. So let these builds kickstart your ideas, or just marvel at the amazing creations that can come out of the human mind, a video game, and a little bit of free time. This book is not authorized, sponsored, endorsed or licensed by Mojang AB. The trademark Minecraft is owned by Mojang AB; and other company names and/or trademarks mentioned in this book are the property of their respective companies and are used for identification purposes only.

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