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The WARGER Bubble

Pankaj Panging

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Belletristik/Erzählende Literatur


We are all prisoners of the Sun. The fact is, if we did not figure out a way to beat the hard cosmic speed limit, not just barely, but by many orders of magnitude, we are doomed to perish with the Earth, as the inevitable bombardments and collisions obliterate everything within the inner solar system, not just once but a few times in a metronomic clockwork fashion, starting soon.


Our helplessness begins with the hard fact that even with the fastest drive that we have ever invented, the journey to the nearest star at only 4.2 light-years away, will take a whopping 6550 years. How then do we ever go to any other Earth-like planet?  


We knew we live from collision to collision and extinction to extinction. Every intelligent life form like ourselves might have faced the same challenge at other space-times like we are, now!


What does an inconspicuous glyph have anything to do with that speed limit of the cosmos? And what does the WARGER bubble have anything to do with the glyph?

What is a WARGER bubble, anyway? Is it some kind of a timeless existence? Or is it just an illusion, just as everything could be construed as an illusion?


This story never really ends, and it is stranger than any fiction that we have known yet. Yet, it perhaps is even closer to reality - in reality!



Apocalyptic, Artificial Intelligence, Telepathy., Time Travel, Intersteller, Inter-dimensional Travel