Feel The Power

A Survivor's Guide To Happiness

Jon Pritikin

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Most people just want to be happy. So, what makes it so hard? Well, the answer is... everything. But you deserve happiness. You deserve to have the life you've always wanted - a life without limitations or the struggle of emotional burdens. Through "e;Feel the Power: A Survivor's Guide To Happiness"e;, Jon Pritikin shares deeply personal emotional experiences that will help you find authentic, personal happiness. By stepping into Jon's shoes, readers experience the heartache of bullying, the shame of being seen as less-than, the promise of true friendship, and the path that led him out of perpetual darkness into a place he'd never known before-a place of contentment and joy. "e;Feel the Power"e; will help readers... * Leave childhood trauma behind. * Overcome the shame of cruel treatment by others. * learn how to deal with fear and anxiety. * Gain strong relationships. * Find personal fulfillment. You are unique. You have a purpose. Jon Pritikin wrote this book because he desperately wants to help others discover opportunities in life like he did. Get ready to dive into this life-changing book and feel the power.

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