
Julian Wilson

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Belletristik / Romanhafte Biographien


Two Men Who Changed The World John and Charles Wesley are, undoubtedly, two of the greatest heroes of the Christian faith who have ever lived. Their fearless preaching in the face of violent opposition and the rise of the Methodist movement powerfully influenced an eighteenth century England that was rife with corruption, drunkenness, crime and religious apathy; a country described by Bishop John Ryle a century later as "e;...barren of all good. There was a gross religious and moral darkness; a darkness that might be felt."e; In this most comprehensive biography of John and Charles Wesley to date, best-selling author, Julian Wilson describes in vivid detail the brothers' triumphs and failures, their conversion to true Christianity, their differing characters, their relationships with women, their prison outreach, their uncompromising preaching even when faced with death or serious injury, the growth of the Methodist movement and in John's case, his supernatural ministry, his work as a physician, his involvement in the abolition of slavery and his educational and social welfare initiatives. John and Charles Wesley may have lived in the eighteenth century, but their message and their ministry are as vital and relevant today as they were more than two hundred years ago.

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