
How to Captivate and Convince Any Audience on the Planet

Danny Fontaine

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Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Wirtschaft


'An instant classic - Highly recommended!' - Peter Coughter, author of The Art of the Pitch

Pitching sucks. The word alone conjures up dull PowerPoint decks, pushy tactics, and shouty emails. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Danny Fontaine, an expert in innovative pitching, presents a game-changing guide that transforms pitching into an exciting, creative and enjoyable experience. Drawing from his billion-dollar pitching experience, this book delves into the psychology of connection and storytelling mastery, alongside practical methods for persuading any audience. And it's all backed with anecdotes of some of the very best, and worst, pitches of all time.

These techniques work in any context, from corporate boardrooms to classroom lectures to after-dinner speeches, proving that great pitching is all about creating experiences and evoking emotions.

Forget PowerPoint and discover how to captivate any audience, win more deals, and have fun doing it.


An instant classic. From the opening story of the legendary ABM pitch for British Rail through step by step instructions on to to organize, craft and deliver an effective pitch, Danny has created an indispensable guide for any individual or organization that needs to up its pitch game. Highly recommended!
s book brings a refreshing focus on the fundamentals of how to win. His principles and stories are timeless. Read it. Live it. Enjoy the Reward.
In a world of digital tricks and games Danny'



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