Hollywood Divorces

introduced by Milly Johnson

Jackie Collins

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Simon & Schuster UK img Link Publisher

Belletristik / Gegenwartsliteratur (ab 1945)


Featuring a new introduction fromSunday Timesbestselling author, Milly Johnson, talking about what Jackie and her books mean to her! ';Jackie Collins can show us all what being a strong, successful woman means at any age. Hold fast to your principles and be tenacious. No one is going to believe in you, if you don't believe in you' MILLY JOHNSONJackie Collins's daring, unapologetic stroke of the pen, combined with her glorious wit, has single-handedly given creative license to new generations of authors and storytellers. COLLEEN HOOVER Sex, scandal, drugs and power Hollywood Divorces covers every decadent minute. There have been many imitators, but only ever one Jackie Collins. With millions of her books sold around the world, and thirty-oneNew York Timesbestsellers, she is one of the world's top-selling novelists. From glamorous Beverly Hills bedrooms to Hollywood movie studios; from glittering rock concerts to the yachts of billionaires, Jackie chronicled the scandalous lives of the rich, famous, and infamous from the inside looking out. A true inspiration, a trail blazer for womens fictionJILLY COOPER ';Jackie will never be forgotten, she'll always inspire me to #BeMoreJackie' JILL MANSELL ';Jackie's heroines don't take off their clothes to please a man, but to please themselves' CLARE MACKINTOSH ';Legend is a word used too lightly for so many undeserving people, but Jackie is the very definition of the word' ALEX KHAN ';What Jackie knew how to do so well, is to tell a thumping good story' ROWAN COLEMAN ';Jackie wrote with shameless ambition, ruthless passion and pure diamond-dusted sparkle' CATHERINE STEADMAN ';There's a lot a drag queen can learn from Jackie' TOM RASMUSSEN ';Lessons galore on every page about feminism, equality, tolerance and love' CARMEL HARRINGTON ';Jackie is the queen of cliff-hangers' SAMANTHA TONGE ';Nobody does it quite like Jackie and nobody ever will' SARRA MANNING ';Jackie bought a bit of glitter, sparkle and sunshine into our humdrum existence' VERONICA HENRY ';Jackie wrote about Hollywood with total authenticity, breaking all the rules and taboos' BARBARA TAYLOR BRADFORD ';Collins was saying that women didn't have to centre round men, either in books or in life' JESSIE BURTON ';Jackie lived the Hollywood dream, but, she looked sideways at it, and then shared the dirt with her readers' JULIET ASHTON ';What radiates from her novels, is a sense that women are capable of great things' ALEXANDRA HEMINSLEY

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