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Advances in Usability and User Experience

Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conferences on Usability & User Experience, and Human Factors and Assistive Technology, July 24-28, 2019, Washington D.C., USA

Tareq Ahram (Hrsg.), Christianne Falcão (Hrsg.)

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Springer International Publishing img Link Publisher

Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Maschinenbau, Fertigungstechnik


This book focuses on emerging issues in usability, interface design, human–computer interaction, user experience and assistive technology. It highlights research aimed at understanding human interaction with products, services and systems, and focuses on finding effective approaches for improving user experience. It also discusses key issues in designing and providing assistive devices and services to individuals with disabilities or impairment, to assist mobility, communication, positioning, environmental control and daily living. The book covers modelling as well as innovative design concepts, with a special emphasis on user-centered design, and design for specific populations, particularly the elderly. Virtual reality, digital environments, heuristic evaluation and forms of device interface feedback of (e.g. visual and haptic) are also among the topics covered. Based on the both the AHFE 2019 Conference on Usability & User Experience and the AHFE 2019 Conference on Human Factors andAssistive Technology, held on July 24-28, 2019, Washington D.C., USA, this book reports on cutting-edge findings, research methods and user-centred evaluation approaches.

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Human-Centered Design Approaches, AHFE 2019 Proceedings, Evaluation of Game Controllers, UX Considerations in Website Optimization, Interface Design, Design for Visually-impaired People, Gaze-Controlled Interactions, Usability Analysis in Rehabilitation, Easy Use of Medical Devices, Evaluation of Mobile Applications, Usability Evaluation, Usability Evaluation Methods, Modeling User Experience, Voice Guidance Design, Evaluation of Product Usability, Optimizing Visual Search, Evaluating User Feedback, Developing User Satisfaction Survey