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Twelfth Night | Simple Shakespeare Series

Jeanette Vigon

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Belletristik / Dramatik


Discover the subtleties and ethical dilemmas of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" through Jeanette Vigon's engaging adaptation, part of the Simple Shakespeare series. This modern version distills the original's complex English into approachable, contemporary language while preserving its engaging plot, turning Shakespeare's intricate poetry into clear, modern prose. This retelling highlights the emotional dynamics and social intricacies of Illyria, making it highly accessible to contemporary audiences.

This adaptation is designed to captivate both Shakespeare newcomers and aficionados seeking a novel perspective, exploring the profound implications of identity, disguise, and love. It addresses perennial themes like gender roles, love's irrationality, and societal expectations, showcasing their ongoing relevance.

Ideal for students new to Shakespeare and educators in search of lively classroom resources, this reinterpretation of "Twelfth Night" brings the festive mishaps and romantic entanglements to life with renewed vibrancy and emotional depth. Through her narrative, Vigon bridges past and present, illustrating the enduring impact of Shakespeare’s insights and their capacity to enlighten and engage.

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