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The Adventures of Strawberryhead & Gingerbread™-Amusement Park

A siblings' adventure tale highlighting themes of friendship, inclusivity, and the joy of embracing everyone's unique abilities.

KF Wheatie

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Strawberryhead & Gingerbread Press img Link Publisher

Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Religiöse Bilderbücher


An ASD tale of a siblings' adventure into the land of giggles!

In the S'moresville forest filled with giggles and fun, two amazing siblings, Strawberryhead and Gingerbread, along with their happy pet, Solomon, go on a sparkly adventure to the Amusement Park! Today is a super-duper special day! The air is fizzy with magic, and yummy smells of cinnamon tickle your nose everywhere you go!

Strawberryhead and Gingerbread are not just any kids; they're extra special! They have super-duper ASD powers that let them make the most scrumptious treats you've ever seen! Strawberryhead makes pink treats that are oh-so-sweet, and Gingerbread makes toasty treats faster than you can blink! And Solomon? His barks are like laughter that makes everyone's day brighter!

They zoom around the park, making new friends who love to whirl on the Ferris Wheel and bump in the Bumper Cars. Every new buddy makes their adventure even more exciting, and the park is filled with the sound of laughter and the feeling of being together. As the sun says goodbye with a painted blue sky, Strawberryhead, Gingerbread, and all their friends know it's time to head home. But their hearts are as full as a big, round balloon with happy memories and the twinkling thought of more adventures that wait for them tomorrow!

This book with its captivating graphics hopes to:

*Captivate your child into the joy of reading

*Teach relationship building

*Promote inclusivity and respect for everyone's unique differences

*Embrace friendship

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neurodiversity, autism acceptance, friendship, parenting an autistic child, picture book, magical adventure, siblings kids' books