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As if Smiling

by Sharon Anderson

sharon lenore anderson

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Sharon Anderson img Link Publisher

Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge


this book is an autobiographical spiritual adventure story; a coming of age of a little girl from the Alberta prairies desperately longing to be once more anchored in the divine, and finding the path to freedom through a beloved guru; Swami Kriyananda.  She is initiated into the kriya yoga of Yogananda, handed down from Krishna through Masters that have come in the line of Jesus.  The little stories of her life embroider this tapestry of unfolding help that will deliver her into the arms of her own higher self, and her inner light begins to shine.  She finds the Saint who has been waiting in the wings for her to mature enough to recognize him, and the  opportunity to finally break free into the skies of promise. The story has been read by Swami Kriyananda before his death, and many at the Ananda communities have given accolades for its heartwarming ability to open vistas for  the reader into a vast realm of possibilities for perceiving truth and  unveiling love.  The book is punctuated with her reverent songs at intervals -- dipping into the tenderness and strength of heart that permeates the search. 


It could be further described as:

The profound spiritual search that led a woman through the annals of her childhood in rural northwestern Canada, though a musical career that ended in Tennessee with a family and job, and a thread of unbroken protection finally perceived, with a true Master waiting in the wings.

Krishna spoke to Arjuna "As if Smiling" when he became despondent on the battle field.  To win such love means you have already come far on the path


Inspirations include:

kriya yoga, raja yoga, krishna,arjuna,  the bhagavad gita, the path, swami kriyananda, yogananda, ananda, finding happiness, between the twilight and the rim, the movie Awake, As if Smiling, Arjuna is despondent on the battlefield – Krishna spoke as if smiling, illustrations by Ollie Anderson, anchored in the divine, the alchemist, the little prince, imitation of Christ, the yoga of Jesus, Revelations of Christ, The essence of the Bhagavad Gita as proclaimed by Paramahansa Yogananda, Disney like magic, the spiritual search, growing up in alberta and british Columbia, Blackie, uncle, finding a guru, love of the guru, devotion to God, meditation, union with the divine, bhakti yoga, God is for everyone, Father, J. Donald Walters, finding the perfect love of God, the Time Tunnel, the Yugas, Peter Marchand, Asha Praver, Jyotish, autobiographical spiritual adventure, practicing the presence of God, Illusions, Jonathan Livingstion Seagul, The wayshower, The Answer, The Answer Movie. Co-operating with Grace Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.Krishna spoke to Arjuna "As if Smiling" on the battlefield.  He is on your side, Anchored in the Divine, The Search for God is beautiful, Your love for God is vibrant, With Krishna guiding Arjuna's Chariot, victory is assured.  You have found this truth on the battlefield of Life.  Powerful - I couldn't put the book down.



in tune with guru, the war of mental citizens in your own self, yogananda, calming the mind, learn to behave, yogic teachings, between the twilight and the rim, a spiritual adventure, practicing the presence of God, anchored in the divine, finding a guru, the movie Awake, esctacy, it is with sweetest love that God exhorts the devotee to seek him unconditionally as the only source of fulfillment there is, raja yoga, anandamayi ma, the movie The Answer, oam technique, it is with this smile that krishna gives his discourse, illustrations by ollie anderson, steve jobs george harrison devotee, if you knew how much god loves you you would die for joy, jyotish, buddha, om technique, control of the breath to achieve enlightenment, do not your scriptures say ye are gods, samadhi bliss, the yoga of jesus, Disney like innocence, babaji, be ye therefore perfect as your father in heaven is perfect, yoga, thou art that, a story of love, pranayama, to those gave he the power to become sons of god, treasures along the path by swami kriyananda, finding happiness, meditation, sri yukteswar, karma, vedantic understanding, asha praver, the alchemist, self realization fellowship, come unto me little children for of such is the kingdom of God, the spine as a pathway to God, i am that, imitation of christ, matter is energy, the bhagavad gita, the vedas, swami kriyananda, magnetism in the spine, padre pio, rural alberta in the sixties, the holy science, autobiographical spiritual story, autobiography of a yogi, dharma, hong sau, progressions of lifetimes, i and my father are one, bhakti yoga, srf, the path, the fight between good and evil, spiritual teachings, when thine eye be single thy whole body be full of light, the search for god, the spiritual eye, god is on our side, control your destiny, lahiri mahasaya, the devotee feels Gods loving support in his heart, krishna said to arjuna as if smiling, i am he deathless spirit i am he, reincarnation, the time tunnel story song book, the yugas, a coming of age, kriya yoga, ananda