
A Novel

Jean Echenoz

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The New Press img Link Publisher

Belletristik / Gegenwartsliteratur (ab 1945)


“A tiny miracle of a biographical novel” inspired by the life of the brilliant French composer (Booklist).  Shortlisted for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award   This beguiling and original evocation of the last ten years in the life of a musical genius opens in 1927 as Maurice Ravel—dandy, eccentric, curmudgeon—crosses the Atlantic aboard the luxury liner the SS France to begin his triumphant grand tour of the United States. With flashes of sly, quirky humor, this novel captures the folly of the era as well as its genius, and the personal and professional life of the sartorially and socially splendid ravel over the course of a decade. From a winner of the prestigious Prix Goncourt, Ravel is a touching literary portrait of a dignified and lonely man going reluctantly into the night.   “A beautifully musical little novel.” —The New York Times Book Review   “The most distinctive voice of his generation.” —The Washington Post

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